DoubleShot Coffee Company is a small, craft roaster in Tulsa Oklahoma. It started with an epiphany about fresh coffee and began to take root through years of home roasting and experimentation. And the doors officially opened March 5, 2004 right here in the same location we occupy today. Plus, we actually have expanded since then and are double-wide what we were in the beginning.
I am Brian Franklin, the owner and roastmaster of the DoubleShot. For the past ten years, I've worked at every part of this business, establishing firm principles, learning as I go and adjusting what I thought I knew about coffee all the time. I have traveled to a few different coffee-producing countries, visited many farms and met so many people who work on that side of the industry. Great coffee starts at the farm. There is much to learn about coffee from the people who grow it and pick it and process it from its fruit to the green coffee beans that I roast and brew. It is fun to see the many variables that can influence a coffee's taste, and to try and understand the role of those things in the final product. As a roaster and barista, I strive to bring the coffee forward and let shine the special qualities inherent in each individual lot. I do have a particular style, but I feel that my roast has a way of accentuating the uniqueness of the coffee, while developing the sugars to present the sweetest version of each brew. I don't like green, under-roasted coffee. And I don't like dark-roasted coffee.
One of the most important factors of quality after I roast the coffee is freshness. Coffee will be noticeably stale 7-10 days after it has been roasted. It has been a firm conviction of mine from the very beginning to only sell coffee that is very fresh, and to this day we will not compromise on that standard. When you order coffee from us online, we will roast it and ship it to you within 24 hours of the moment I drop it into the cooling bin. Generally, I fire up the roaster on Mondays and Thursdays, but there are times when that changes. My roaster is a 1953 Vittoria, originally manufactured in Bologna Italy, and beautifully restored for us in 2003 by U.S. Roaster Corp. in Oklahoma City. A unique roaster, it has a perforated drum, which allows for more airflow, brightening up the coffee, and its over-sized cooling bin spreads each batch out for efficient cool-down.
I hope you enjoy the coffees I select and roast for you here at the DoubleShot. Be sure and check out my blog and podcast. We have a few videos where I show you some basic brewing methods. And the site is full of delicious coffees, coffee brewing equipment, and some really cool DoubleShot merchandise designed by our master graphic artist, me. :)
Brian Franklin, Roastmaster