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   AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee Company

Explore coffee through history, science, music, and other vaguely-related topics. Join Brian Franklin from Tulsa Oklahoma's DoubleShot Coffee Company and co-host Mark Brown from as they meander around coffee-inspired ideas and engaging interviews.

Simple Pleasures

Dec 29, 2023

Each year, Mark and Brian convene for one last episode of AA Cafe in which they enumerate their "Ten Things." Every year is different, but they all come from the heart. It's a moment to forget about all the turmoil of the holidays and take a breath before the onslaught of a new year, and to focus on some things that...

Dec 18, 2023

The DoubleShot's second and final holiday coffee is from Nicaragua! From a farm called Montelin in Nueva Segovia owned by a young man named Juan Ramon Diaz, jr. This episode is packed with info about the coffee, about the farm, and about the cascara that came from these coffee beans. Luis Miranda (Finca...

Nov 21, 2023

The holidays are upon us, and the DoubleShot has released their first holiday coffee of the year: Maracay Pink Bourbon Natural. Mark and Brian convene to sip and talk about it. An interview with the producer of the coffee, Luz Helena Salazar, interpreted by Felipe Arcila, her son and the owner of Cofinet - the company...

Nov 7, 2023

Felipe Arcila, the owner of a Colombian exporter called Cofinet, visited the DoubleShot earlier in the year to talk shop. Brian cupped a bunch of samples and bought a hefty alotment, all from one farm: Maracay. Obviously the roastmaster had to go and visit the farm, meet the producer (Luz Helena Salazar), and cup a lot...

Oct 31, 2023

Originally recorded and published on Halloween 2016, this episode was re-Edited for Halloween night 2023. A weaving of ghost tales from the ever-memorable, former DoubleShot baker Shelley Womack and Big Bob Hendrick, who went off to BE a ghost in 2022. You can probably find him knocking around and flickering lights...