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   AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee Company

Explore coffee through history, science, music, and other vaguely-related topics. Join Brian Franklin from Tulsa Oklahoma's DoubleShot Coffee Company and co-host Mark Brown from as they meander around coffee-inspired ideas and engaging interviews.

Oct 22, 2013

An audio excerpt from a short story written by Brian Franklin about his trip to Panama, visiting a pair of coffee farms.  Learn about the people, plants, animals, the history, and the coffee of this beautiful place.  To read the entire story and to taste these amazing coffees, visit

Jul 29, 2013

This episode of AA Cafe is a little different. My editing went a bit off from normal. Mark and I discuss the future of coffee brewing, along with a little reminisce of our personal coffee histories. DoubleShot baristas chime in with their ideas for the coffee brewer of the future.

Music from this episode from the Free...

Apr 8, 2013

The Freshness Test! Brian and Mark discuss coffee freshness with some audio of Michael Sivetz speaking at an SCAA conference, and Miguel Wickert explaining a fool-proof way to test and see if your coffee is fresh. Thanks also to Ann Money from the Oklahoma Aquarium for telling us about jellyfish. All music is courtesy...